Call for submissions: Peter Meusburger Doctoral Prize ‘Geography and Knowledge’

To honour the memory of Peter Meusburger and in appreciation for his distinguished service to Geography (and especially Geography and Education), the Peter Meusburger Doctoral Prize, will, in 2019, be awarded for the first time. The prize, founded by some of his students, will amount to 2,000 euros. The prize will be awarded for a PhD thesis (monograph or cumulative works) that shows outstanding scientific achievement in the field of ‘Geography and Knowledge’. The PhD thesis must have been completed in 2017 or 2018. It can be written in either German or English. There are no restrictions with regard to the age or place of residence of the applicant. The applications will be assessed and evaluated by reviewers with outstanding disciplinary competence selected and appointed by the donors. The prize will be awarded with no right of appeal. Should none of the applications meet the quality expectations of the prize panel, the trust may decide to make no award and to carry the sum of money over to the following year.

Applications must be sent to the following address by 31 July 2019:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department für Geographie
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmude
Luisenstr. 37
80333 München


An application must include two printed copies and an electronic version of the PhD thesis, a curriculum vitae of the author as well as the reviews of the supervisors and/or examiners. The awards ceremony will be held in Heidelberg in December 2019.